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Asgent's Connected Car Security Partner Karamba Receives
"Highly Regarded Innovator Award" from SC Magazine

March 6, 2019
Asgent, Inc.
(JASDAQ: 4288)

  Asgent, Inc. (JASDAQ: 4288, President & CEO: Takahiro Sugimoto, located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo), a pioneer in network security, announces that its connected car security partner Karamba Security (CEO & Co-founder: Ami Dotan, located in Israel) has received the "Highly Regarded Innovator Award" from SC Magazine.

  Karamba received the award for the access control division. The award recognizes the development of a platform to meet the specific needs of preventing cyber-attacks on automobiles and IoT systems.

  Autonomous vehicles require 300 million lines of code, which represent about 15,000 security vulnerabilities - ten times more than telecommunication core routers, which are often attacked by hackers. Add to this equation wireless and cellular access points, and vehicles have now become a viable target for hackers. Rob Cote of SC Magazine made the following statement.
  "Increasing reliance on technology means that more devices must be managed. The security of an enterprise is largely dictated by the resources that can access its assets. Back when the world relied on mainframe technology, access control was a straightforward process. Fast forward to 2018 and to say things have changed would be a ridiculous understatement. In fact, the diversity of assets that now require access control settings is exponentially greater than it was in the days of mainframe computing. IoT technology is just one example of how much things have changed, as it has become pervasive in the corporate enterprise."

  Karamba R&D VP & Co-founder, Tal Ben David, made the following comment on Karamba's solution. "Karamba created software solutions that automatically harden a device’s software before it goes to QA and later to production. Karamba’s embedded software conducts an ongoing run time integrity of the device software to identify variations from factor settings, and stops them from being exploited."

  To learn more about the award, please view the SC Media Innovators eBook 2018.

  Karamba Security provides industry-leading automotive cybersecurity solutions for autonomous and connected cars. Carwall, SafeCAN and ThreatHive products for Autonomous IoT security products prevent cyber-attacks with no false positives, authenticate communications including OTA updates, and provide end-to-end in-vehicle security with no overhead. Its merits include no connectivity and no updates, along with minimal performance impact. Karamba is engaged with 17 OEM and Tier1 customers in just two years following its inception. The company was recognized with TU-Automotive's Best Cybersecurity Product/Service award and the Best Cybersecurity Product/Service award from North American Frost & Sullivan in 2017, and in May 2018 was recognized as a Cool Vendor by Gartner in IoT security, as well as receiving the Best Cybersecurity Product award from TU-Automotive in June two years running.

  Karamba Security Press Release:

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