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Asgent is a Developer and Distributor of pioneering Network Security solutions for enterprise and medium sized organizations. With an eye on the future and a reseller base of over 100 Systems Integrators, we command an impressive reputation for creating markets for new products and for making overseas and domestic network security products best sellers in Japan. By providing 24 hours a day/7 days a week, first and second level pre and post sales technical support to our distribution channel, we create an extremely high level of product trust and confidence. Asgent is an extremely reliable partner for profitable business relationships.

Company Name Asgent, Inc.
Headquarters 6-4 Akashicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0044 [map]
TEL: 81-3-6853-7401
FAX: 81-3-6853-7411
Established November 10, 1997
Paid-In Capital 771 Million Yen
  • Asgent Hordings, Inc.
  • Takahiro Sugimoto
  • Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
  • Others
President & C.E.O. Takahiro Sugimoto
Directors Takuya Sugiyama
Takenori Katsuragi
Unaffiliated Director Yutaka Sanmori
Auditors Yukihiro Miyanoo
Ichiro Suzuki
Shinichi Imagawa
Major Bank Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.  etc
Affiliated Organizations
  • BCI Japan Alliance
  • Grass Roots Activity For Cyber Security
  • IoT Acceleration Consortium
  • Internet Association Japan (IAjapan)
  • Japan Automotive Software Platform and Architecture
  • Japan Card Data Security Consortium
  • Japan Information Security Audit Association(JASA)
  • Japan Network Security Association(JNSA)
  • Japan Smartphone Security Assocoation

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IS 76150 / ISO (JIS Q) 27001

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